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WINTER PLANTING GUIDE: What to plant in winter Australia?

30 Jun, 2022

A flourishing winter garden is possible no matter how cold it gets. The grey cloudy days, frost, rain, and an average temperature hovering around the low teens may divert people from working on their gardening needs. However, cooler months are a perfect time to jump-start your next gardening project or add more colour to your veggie patch. Winter vegetable gardening allows one to plant products for immediate use in the springtime. It is possible to reap a good harvest from winter vegetables like kale, winter cabbage, and Brussels sprouts if you plan beforehand. You don’t have to worry if you didn’t prepare ahead because there are many delicious winter crops you can cultivate. So, what are you waiting for? Get your green thumb on, rug up, and learn how to make the most of your winter gardening with our winter planting guide. 

Year-Round Greens


  • Kale

  • Lettuce

  • Cabbage

  • Spring onion

  • Bok choy

  • Perpetual Spinach

Depending on the region of Australia in which you reside and the climate zone that you are in, you may be able to cultivate a number of different vegetables throughout the entire year in your garden. South Australia has a climate that is prone to erratic weather, which can range from bitterly cold winds in the winter to searingly hot temperatures in the summer. In spite of these extremes, we’ve discovered what works and which crops will thrive and live year after year, like the green vegetables mentioned above. Maybe then we will all be more at ease when a lettuce shortage might happen.

Essential Spices


  • Garlic

  • Onions and Shallots

These spices are easy to grow because they have a long growing season and take care of themselves during the winter. If you’re planting them, you can expect to reap the benefits of your labours before the next winter season rolls around. And in South Australia for many years shallots were particularly well-liked as a winter gardening plant.

More Winter Vegetables


  • Potatoes

  • Carrots

  • Beetroot

  • Turnips

  • Broccoli

  • Cauliflower

There’s no arguing that winter is soup season, and the vegetables listed above are among our favourites. Keep your cuttings; they can be replanted and harvested for next year’s soup! If you’re looking for something to keep you warm in the winter, a cup of soup is the way to go.

Keep the tops of root vegetables in a container of water to help them regenerate. Transplanting into soil is now possible once fresh green tops grow. You’ll love our Jeffries Veggie & Garden Soil for this. As the name implies, it’s perfect for vegetables and gardens alike. Organic matter makes up the highest percentage of this South Australian-made soil. This ensures a higher level of moisture retention in the most critical areas.

Gardeners will tell you that it’s worth the extra labour and effort to get your winter gardens up and running. Your family will be able to experience the excellent, healthy flavour of homegrown veggies and herbs in just a few months’ time. For farmers, vineyards, landscapers and home gardeners who need high-quality compost, soil, and mulch, Jeffries is the company to go to. As a community, we are ensuring the long-term viability of healthy soil. Together, we are securing the future of healthy soil for generations to come. Get in touch with us today to learn more HERE.


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