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Gold Star Recyclers – Vilis Family Bakery
Vili's Family Bakery - Gold Star Recycler “I hate waste!” Vili Milisits, South Australian entrepreneur and owner of the iconic Vili’s Bakery, is indisputably decisive and he is relentless in his pursuit of turning any ‘waste’ products into something useful. Vili’s...
Jeffries CulChar for Trade
Jeffries CulChar is the perfect organic fertiliser for garden beds, lawns and native plants: with the added benefits of our secret ingredient.
A close look at the nutrition of Jeffries CulChar
Jeffries latest innovation, Jeffries CulChar, is a complete, certified organic, slow-release fertiliser, including essential trace elements and minerals. The inclusion of Jeffries BioChar works together with the organic carbon of the included compost as a long-term soil conditioner. Jeffries CulChar is a very complete and cost-effective nutritional offer that is safe to use in direct contact with plants and their root systems.
Let’s take a closer look at how Jeffries CulChar works and compare how it performs next to other organic fertiliser alternatives.
A close look at the nutrition of Jeffries Organic Compost
There’s no denying that Jeffries Organic Compost is a useful soil amendment. Among its many benefits, it improves aggregate formation, porosity, water-holding capacity, humus formation and beneficial microbial growth. Jeffries Organic Compost has excellent soil...
How compost reduces irrigation requirements and conserves water
One major advantage of compost is its ability to hold moisture, retain it for longer, increase the amount of water available to plant roots, and minimise the need for irrigation. Ultimately, improving water saving practices and reducing economic overheads for farmers. But how exactly does it do this?
If we dig deeper, we find that compost helps to save on water in a few different ways.
Growing a Great Lawn
When cared for properly, the lawn can become the highlight of any garden and make your neighbours green with envy! A secret to any healthy lawn isn’t necessarily lots of attention but routine care. Finding what products work for your lawn and how frequently to use...
How to Grow the Best Indoor Plants
Growing indoor plants is the perfect solution if you lack the room for an outside garden or just wish to bring natural beauty inside. Even while not all indoor plants require the same level of care, these fundamental principles provide the essential knowledge for...
Top 5 Tips to Growing the Best Tomatoes
It's the ideal time to head outside and begin creating the Spring garden of your dreams now that the dark, gloomy winter days are behind us and the sun is beginning to shine. Now that the dismal, dark winter days are (almost) behind us and the sun is starting to...
Top Tips to Grow a Beautiful Garden
Watching your garden grow is always exciting, however maintaining this beauty is important. Knowing and understanding a few key tips and tricks will allow your garden to be successful. Picking the right plants Making sure you choose plants best suited to the...
7 bee-friendly plants for Australian gardens
Did you know over a third of Australia’s food production relies on our tiny friend the bee? And up to 75% of foods get some benefits from a bee visit? Bee population levels are declining across the world due to monocropping, overuse of synthetic pesticides and...