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Where do you deliver?

We deliver though our reseller network to the green area in the map below. If you are unsure about delivery to your location, please call us on 1800 JEFFRIES or 1800 5333 7437.

Delivery costs

Order up to 8 units of compost, soil and mulch on our online shop and be charged a flat $45 delivery fee – whether ordering bulk or bags – for delivery in our metropolitan Adelaide delivery zone.
Order over 8 units and we need two trucks to get your delivery to you – and you will be charged 2 x $45 = $90 for your delivery.


Order as many bags from the Jeffries Bagged range and only pay $25 shipping (drop off service — delivery may take up to 10 business days)

What is a unit?

1 UNIT = 0.76m3 equivalent to a trailer load (a flat load in a 4×6 trailer).




When will my order be delivered?

We can deliver as early as the day following the processing of your order – please note that your order will be processed during business hours. So if you order in the evening when the Jeffries team is tucked up, snug and sound in bed (we have early starts) we will process it the following morning, which means you will get it delivered the morning after that.

If you send your order to us during business hours, if it is in the morning, you will see our friendly truck drivers the following morning. If you order it in the afternoon, you will see us the next day in the afternoon.

However you can specify a later delivery date when you make your order online. Just include it in the delivery section.

If there is a problem, like our truck gets swarmed by killer bees, we will give you a call.