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Jeffries Blog


8 Jun, 2018

Not just a new month but a whole new season, yes winter is upon us. This does not mean the end of gardening though. These gardening tips and tricks are easy and affordable: 

#1 Liquid Fertilise Your Plants This will keep them in top shape along with improving the quality and growth of their flowers. Winter time sees sap moving slower through the plants. Using a liquid feed has the advantage of the nutrients being absorbed through the foliage as well as the roots.

#2 Veggie Beds For veggie beds that are not being used for productive crops consider planting a green manure crop that can be dug into the soil for readiness for planting out your spring vegetable garden in a few months.

#3 Keep on top of weeds If you can get them early, a weedicide like ‘Slasher’ will give great results and is environmentally friendly.

#4 Indoor Plants Indoor plants will relish a bit more light and warmth over the next few months, but be careful with plants on window sills as the glass can get extremely cold at night which can be harmful to them. Use tepid water when watering house plants over winter.



Growing a Great Lawn

Growing a Great Lawn

When cared for properly, the lawn can become the highlight of any garden and make your neighbours green with envy! A secret to any healthy lawn...

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