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Jeffries Blog

What can go in my green bin?

20 May, 2020

One of the most asked question we get at Jeffries is

  •  Do you accept ‘…’? or,
  • Can i put ‘….’ in my green bin?

It’s for good reason. It can be so confusing with different certifications, conflicting information and with green washing ever present with products claiming ”compostablility” or ”eco-friendly”.

We understand it can be confusing. That’s why we’ve tried to make it as simple as possible, as this really helps.

So what can go?

  • ANY food scraps – including bones, chicken, seafood, eggs, coffee grinds
  • ANY plants, herbs or weeds
  • Animal poo – without  bag (unless it is a compostable bag)
  • Teabags (remove metal staples)
  • Paper towels, serviettes, tissues, paper bags & newspapers
  • Non-treated wood, timber and saw dust. 
  • Any cardboard which isn’t lined or laminated (pizzaboxes, cardboard packaging and egg cartons) 
  • Bioplastics Certified compostable to AUS – AS 4736, (European) EN 13432 or US D6400 D6868 (Biopak compostable wares, BioBag compostable liners)*

Look for these symbols!


*As a general rule, we prefer Australian Certification. Australian Certification takes into consideration toxicity of a product to earth worms which is very important to us. Your organic matter is recycled then returns to the ground where worms live. Whilst this is still a relatively new market, we are open to accepting US and EU standards. If you operate a business we encourage you to use Australian Certified Compostable products (the seedling logo) to help drive the demand for products with this certification. We will keep campaigning from our end!

  • Products that are 100% paper, cardboard, bamboo, wood or rye straw with no lining or additives (e.g. 100% bamboo cutlery, 100% plain cardboard food trays, Mister Rye Straws

*We do NOT accept any cotton or rubber products, regardless of whether it is 100% natural. Unfortunately it does not break down in our composting process.

Please note, this is only applicable for councils and businesses whose organics are serviced by Jeffries.




A close look at the nutrition of Jeffries CulChar

A close look at the nutrition of Jeffries CulChar

Jeffries latest innovation, Jeffries CulChar, is a complete, certified organic, slow-release fertiliser, including essential trace elements and minerals. The inclusion of Jeffries BioChar works together with the organic carbon of the included compost as a long-term soil conditioner. Jeffries CulChar is a very complete and cost-effective nutritional offer that is safe to use in direct contact with plants and their root systems.

Let’s take a closer look at how Jeffries CulChar works and compare how it performs next to other organic fertiliser alternatives.

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How compost reduces irrigation requirements and conserves water

How compost reduces irrigation requirements and conserves water

One major advantage of compost is its ability to hold moisture, retain it for longer, increase the amount of water available to plant roots, and minimise the need for irrigation. Ultimately, improving water saving practices and reducing economic overheads for farmers. But how exactly does it do this?

If we dig deeper, we find that compost helps to save on water in a few different ways.

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