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What can go in my green bin?

We take all organics... If it has been alive, you can put it in our bins. - all animal, bird, seafood, products including dairy and shells If it has been grown, you can put it in our bins. - all vegetable and fruit products, paper towel, shredded paper and tissues If...

Can dog poo go in my green bin?

Several factors determine whether councils will accept dog poo, such as how frequently the green bin is collected and how and where it is processed. Commercial Composters such as Jeffries use intense heat to neutralise any harmful bacteria so the compost is safe to...

What food scraps can go into the green bin?

Food scraps will smell in any bin regardless (it is the nature of that type of material). To help reduce the odour you can freeze potentially smelly scraps in the freezer until your green organics collection day. Placing green organic material, such as leaves,...

Food scraps make my bin smell, how can I reduce the odour?

Food scraps will smell in any bin regardless (it is the nature of that type of material). To help reduce the odour you can freeze potentially smelly scraps in the freezer until your green organics collection day. Placing green organic material, such as leaves,...