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Lovely Lemons and Marvelous Mandies

Lovely Lemons and Marvelous Mandies

What is wrong with my lemon tree? It is one of the most common questions we hear on talk back gardening. We all love to grow lemons and citrus but they often cause gardeners to become anxious as they sulk, don’t fruit or get deformed leaves. Don’t panic...
What does my Soil colour tell me?

What does my Soil colour tell me?

Envy. It’s not a pretty word, and as gardener’s we all know it when we see the luscious, deep chocolatey brown soil in a fellow gardener’s garden. It’s not because we are thinking of chocolate, although that is reason enough for envy, but...
Get Down and Dirty with your soil

Get Down and Dirty with your soil

No matter where we garden there is one thing that we all share, an obsession with dirt, or soil to be exact. For our gardens, soil is like the home, the supermarket and the pharmacy rolled into one. If the soil is improved with organic matter then chances are that the...
Fungi in my Mulch

Fungi in my Mulch

Fungi in my mulch – the good, the bad and the ugly! Mushrooms and other fungi appearing in your mulch or compost can sometimes be a surprise it isn’t all bad news though. The Good In autumn when the weather is cool, wet and humid gardeners in South Australia often...