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Growing a Great Lawn
When cared for properly, the lawn can become the highlight of any garden and make your neighbours green with envy! A secret to any healthy lawn...
Are you thinking about planting a winter vegetable garden? More people gardening and growing food is one of the good things that has come from the COVID 19 pandemic.
Things like peas, spinach, brassicas (cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale), leeks, herbs, lettuce, onions, turnips, beetroot should all grow well in winter.
Use a good quality organic compost to add organic matter and a well balanced organic fertiliser to build soil that drains well and to feed your plants. Here is more information about what makes up a healthy soil.
Check the soil regularly and make sure that it is not too dry. Even though these are ‘winter vegetables’ they can dry out if the autumn and winter rains don’t come as expected.
To get your winter veggie garden going, order online today and get it delivered to your driveway!
When cared for properly, the lawn can become the highlight of any garden and make your neighbours green with envy! A secret to any healthy lawn...
Growing indoor plants is the perfect solution if you lack the room for an outside garden or just wish to bring natural beauty inside. Even while not...
It's the ideal time to head outside and begin creating the Spring garden of your dreams now that the dark, gloomy winter days are behind us and the...