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Jeffries Blog

Mulched Yet?

12 Mar, 2018

Mulch is the best defence against weeds


Whether you are a die-hard-compost-me-when-I-die gardener, or a reluctant gardener, mulch is one of the most effective ways to help control weeds and keep moisture in your soil. Depending on which mulch you use, it can also add organic nutrients to your soil.


Mulching for weed control

Mulch works by forming a barrier to the germination and growth of weeds, mainly by stopping sunlight from germinating those pesky weed seeds that are lurking in your soil. Additionally, weed seeds blown into your garden may germinate on top of or in the mulch, making them much easier to pull out.


Mulching for improved soil health

Mulch can also help improve your soil. As it slowly breaks down, mulch releases nutrients and adds structure to the soil. Although needing to be topped up between one to five years (depending on which mulch you choose), if you are only going to do one thing in your garden this year, make it mulch!



How compost reduces irrigation requirements and conserves water

How compost reduces irrigation requirements and conserves water

One major advantage of compost is its ability to hold moisture, retain it for longer, increase the amount of water available to plant roots, and minimise the need for irrigation. Ultimately, improving water saving practices and reducing economic overheads for farmers. But how exactly does it do this?

If we dig deeper, we find that compost helps to save on water in a few different ways.

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Growing a Great Lawn

When cared for properly, the lawn can become the highlight of any garden and make your neighbours green with envy! A secret to any healthy lawn...

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